Wario Land 3


Not just hindrances, as in most games, but sometimes unintentional helpers on your quest to grab treasure, whether it’s by giving you Status Effects or by being there to be thrown or to give a lift to your jumps.

Understanding this guide

Enemies have quite a few qualities that affect gameplay. Here I’ll describe the most common patterns:


@ 1 point in the game, you can pick up & throw some small enemies, & e’en later, you can pick up big enemies. This states whether you can pick up the enemy & whether it counts as a small or big enemy. Though, you can tell whether an enemy is big or small by whether it appears, well, big or small: Wario Land 3 doesn't stray from this pattern. But it’s much less obvious which enemies can’t be picked up @ all.


While most enemies respawn ’pon changing rooms, some respawn simply by scrolling them off & back onscreen.

¿Sleeps @ night?

Some enemies sleep when it’s night; some don’t.


Japanese Name

ヤリマルYarimaru Spear Circle

What It Is

The most common & basic enemy.

Baby blue sphere with a spade-shaped spear protruding from its face like a nose & inverted black & white eyes connected o’er the bridge.

What It Does

Moves left & right ’long ledges & stuns you with the spear in front o’ him.

What You Can Do To It

You can ground pound it & charge-attack it from anywhere but into its face to destroy it instantly & bump it to stun it.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • N6 Sea Turtle Rock
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • W2 The Volcano’s Base
  • W3 The Pool of Rain
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • W6 The West Crater
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S2 The Big Bridge
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S4 The Steep Canyon
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E1 The Stagnant Swamp
  • E2 The Frigid Sea
  • E3 Castle of Illusion
  • E4 The Colossal Hole


Japanese Name

木グモKigumo Tree Spider

What It Is

Googly-eyed spider that hangs from trees.

What It Does

Hangs high on trees & shoots shock balls that stun you.

What You Can Do To It

Super ground pounds can make Webbers fall near the ground, allowing you to jump on them to reach higher points or ground pound them into the ground to destroy them.




Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • S2 The Big Bridge

Busy Bird (Blue)

Japanese Name

トリのスケTori no Suke “Tori” means bird. Seems to be a pun off some meal

What It Is

A baby-blue bird.

What It Does

When dormant, flies stationary in the air; but when Wario moves in front o’ it, it squawks & zooms forward, stunning Wario if he’s in its way.

What You Can Do To It

With the winged boots Wario can hop off it to reach greater heights.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • S6 Above the Clouds
  • E2 The Frigid Sea
  • E7 Forest of Fear


Japanese Name

いも虫Imomushi Caterpillar

What It Is

A green caterpillar.

What It Does

Squirm left & right ’long ledges & can turn you into Ball O’ String Wario if you touch their face while their mouth is open.

What You Can Do To It

Ground pounding or charge attacking it can destroy it, & bumping it will stun it.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • W6 The West Crater
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S3 Tower of Revival


Japanese Name

カサマルKasamaru Para-head

What It Is

A yellow chestnut-shaped creature holding a silver parasol.

What It Does

Walks left & right ’long ledges holding a parasol that stuns you if you touch it. After a few steps, it stops & moves its parasol from in front o’ it to ’bove it & vice-versa.

What You Can Do To It

You can destroy it by charge attacking it from ’hind, or in front o’ it if its parasol is up, or ground pounding it while its parasol is in front o’ it. Bumping it from a side not guarded by a parasol or jumping on it stuns is.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • N6 Sea Turtle Rock
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • W2 The Volcano’s Base
  • W3 The Pool of Rain
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S4 The Steep Canyon
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E1 The Stagnant Swamp
  • E2 The Frigid Sea
  • E3 Castle of Illusion
  • E5 The Warped Void
  • E6 The East Crater


Japanese Name

コックンKokkun Cookun

What It Is

Some white & red... creature. ¿A duck? ¿Who knows what this mutation might be?

What It Does

Walks left & right ’long ledges & throws donuts @ Wario that makes him fat ’pon contact.

What You Can Do To It

Charge attacking or ground pounding it destroys it. Jumping on it or bumping into it can stun it.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E2 The Frigid Sea


Japanese Name

ゾンビZonbi Zombie

What It Is

A teal-skinned zombie with sharp, melty fangs, orange-lit eyes, & tearing black shirt & orange pants.

What It Does

Sluggishly shifts its feet side to side & throws his face when it sees Wario. Touching its face will turn Wario into a zombie himself.

Sometimes they’ll rise from the ground & fall back into it alternately.

What You Can Do To It

Ducking under its head as it throws them will avoid touching them.

If you’re a zombie, touching them will destroy them. Otherwise, you’ll only bump into them & maybe become zombified if touching their face.




Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S6 Above the Clouds
  • E3 Castle of Illusion
  • E7 Forest of Fear


Japanese Name

ヤリロボタYarirobota Spear Robota

What It Is

A li’l green robot with a yellow head with line eyes, yellow fists, yellow feet, & a yellow spear poking out from an open compartment on its front.

What It Does

Acts just like a Spearhead, moving left & right ’long edges & stunning you if its spear touches you. However, it moves faster than Spearheads & doesn’t sleep.

What You Can Do To It

The same as Spearheads: Ground-pounding & charge attacking anywhere not on its spear will destroy it. Bumping it or jumping on it stuns it.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E1 The Stagnant Swamp
  • E4 The Colossal Hole


Japanese Name

ハンマーロボHanmārobo Hammer Robo

What It Is

A bulky, boxy blue robot with white treads, & white head with red eyes, & blue hammers with white rims for arms.

What It Does

Moves back & forth. If it sees Wario in front o’ it, it moves mo’ quickly & begins waving its hammers up & down. If it hits you, it makes you springy.

What You Can Do To It

You can stun or kill it by bumping into it, jumping on it, ground-pouding it, or charge-attacking it from the back, depending on how powerful your charge attacks & ground pounds are.


Yes: big.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • W6 The West Crater
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E3 Castle of Illusion
  • E5 The Warped Void
  • E7 Forest of Fear


Japanese Name

てるてるteruteru Shine, shine; short for the name for paper dolls traditionally said to bring good weather. Also, possibly, means to look up hopefully

What It Is

A paper doll ghost.

What It Does

Floats round the sky. If it sees Wario, it swoops down & covers his face.

What You Can Do To It

You can kill it with charge attacks, ground pounds, & throwing it.

If it's on Wario's head, you need to bump into a wall to knock it off.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • W5 Beneath the Waves

Mad Scienstein

Japanese Name

マッド=シタインMaddo Shitain Mad Stein

What It Is

A mad scientist with a long Colonel-Sanders beard & moustache & a lab coat, with some glass bowl with tubes on his head for no given reason.

What It Does

Throws potions every so oft. If Wario touches one as it's in the air, he turns invisible.

What You Can Do To It

If you can reach it, you can charge attack it to kill it.

However, since he almost always helps you, there's rarely a reason to do so.


Yes: big.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • S5 Cave of Flames

Eye Wall

Japanese Name

No known official name

What It Is

A pair o' blocks, the top o' which has an eyeball.

What It Does

If it sees Wario, it shuts its wall down, preventing Wario from passing.

What You Can Do To It

You can't do anything to it but trick it by turning invisible to pass by.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • S5 Cave of Flames

Sand Hand

Japanese Name

No known official name

What It Is

An arm made out o' sand.

What It Does

Rises & falls in a consistent rhythm.

If it grabs Wario, it drags him down off the platform.

Only appears during the day.

What You Can Do To It

Nothing but avoid touching them.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • W1 Desert Ruins

Count Richtertoffen the II

Japanese Name

デブドンDebudon Fat Don

What It Is

A heavyset man in a blue shirt with a black down arrow & black pants.

What It Does

Leaps up & down, crating earthquakes every time it lands.

If it lands on Wario, it flattens him.

What You Can Do To It

You can attack it & stun it the normal ways.


Yes: big.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E5 The Warped Void


Japanese Name

ビームロボタBīmu Robota Beam Robota

What It Is

A blue copy o' Spear-bot, but without the spear.

What It Does

Shoots beams out o' its open front compartment.

If one o' its beams hits Wario, Wario becomes spliced.

What You Can Do To It

You can interact with it the same way as with Spear-bot.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • S4 The Steep Canyon
  • S6 Above the Clouds

Brrr Bear

Japanese Name

アイスベアAisubea Ice Bear

What It Is

A big baby-blue bear.

What It Does

Walks left & right 'long ledges. If it sees Wario, it spits an ice ball @ him. If the ice ball hits Wario, Wario becomes frozen.

What You Can Do To It

Kill it the normal ways.


Yes: big.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • S2 The Big Bridge
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E2 The Frigid Sea
  • E4 The Colossal Hole
  • E5 The Warped Void

Mole-Hole Cover

Japanese Name

フタモグFutamogu Lid Mole

What It Is

A pink mole holding itself in a hole with a candy-cane-striped platform on its head.

What It Does

Blocks passageways with its platform.

What You Can Do To It

Ground-pounding it forces it to fall out o' the way.




Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods


Japanese Name

オモドンメカOmodonmeka “Squasher” Mecha

What It Is

Blue or green robots with copters on its head & a white claw below it.

What It Does

If a Squasher is below it, lowers to grab it, rises, & then drops it repeatedly.

Otherwise, just waits up in the air for Wario to go below it & falls to grab Wario.

If it grabs Wario, it stuns him for a while; & if Wario is flat, Wario turns back to normal.

What You Can Do To It

Jumping as it races down to Wario stuns it & keeps it back.

Otherwise, you can use it to stop Wario from being flat on purpose.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E4 The Colossal Hole
  • E5 The Warped Void
  • E6 The East Crater

Sir Smashalot

Japanese Name

オモドンOmodon Smash [onomatopoeia] Chief

What It Is

A tart-red & black block with a bolt-laden bar round its head, big goggly eyes, a fat nose, & thick lips.

What It Does

Lifted & dropped by Grab-bot. If it lands on Wario, Wario becomes flat.

What You Can Do To It

Acts like a solid block to Wario. Wario can jump on it to reach higher platforms.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • E4 The Colossal Hole
  • E5 The Warped Void
  • E6 The East Crater


Japanese Name


What It Is

A pink slime that squirms round the roof.

What It Does

Spits yellow balls toward Wario. If one touches Wario, it zaps him backward.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can destroy them by charge attacking them.

Otherwise, if Wario can make quakes with his ground pounds, he can make them fall to the ground, which will allow him to pick them up for a second before they shrink into thin air.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • N6 Sea Turtle Rock
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S6 Above the Clouds
  • E3 Castle of Illusion

Busy Bird (Pink)

Japanese Name

トリのスケTori no Suke “Tori” means bird. Seems to be a pun off some meal

What It Is

A pink bird that flies in place in the air.

What It Does

Acts just like the blue Busy Bird, 'cept if it hits Wario with its beak, rather than stunning him, it makes him dizzy.

What You Can Do To It

The same as with the blue bird: jump on it to reach greater heights.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • S1 The Grasslands


Japanese Name

はりだまHaridama Needle ball

What It Is

A black fish with white fins & puffy orange lips.

What It Does

Swims back & forth. If it sees Wario, it puffs up, causing it to grow spikes, & speeds toward Wario. If it touches Wario while it has its spikes out, it stuns Wario.

What You Can Do To It

Bumping it from below on its belly stuns it for a while. Otherwise, Wario can only avoid it.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • W3 The Pool of Rain
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • S2 The Big Bridge

Pneumo (Jellybob)

Japanese Name

ふっくらげFukkurage Hook Jellyfish

What It Is

A flying sickly-white jellyfish with angry eyes & a large hook for a beak.

What It Does

Floats back & forth horizontally. If it sees Wario is swoops down & up, trying to poke him. If it pokes him, it makes him puffy.

What You Can Do To It

If you don't want to use it to become puffy on purpose, you can charge attack it or ground pound on it to destroy it.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • W3 The Pool of Rain
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • S4 The Steep Canyon
  • E1 The Stagnant Swamp
  • E4 The Colossal Hole
  • E6 The East Crater


Japanese Name

ファイアーロボタFaiā Robota Fire Robota

What It Is

A li'l robot that looks just like Spear-bot or Beam-bot, but red 'stead o' green or blue.

What It Does

Moves left & right. If it sees Wario, it starts spurting fire from its front compartment. If that fire touches Wario, it sets Wario on fire.

What You Can Do To It

You can destroy it the same ways as with the other bots.


Yes: small.


Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • W2 The Volcano’s Base
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W5 Beneath the Waves
  • W6 The West Crater
  • S4 The Steep Canyon

Snake in the Pot

Japanese Name

ツボヘビTsubohebi Pot Snake

What It Is

A giant green snake in a blue pot with its face carved into it.

What It Does

Rattles back & forth, rising & falling. After rising, it pauses to turn its face red & spit fire out for a while.

If its fire touches Wario, it sets him on fire.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can hop on their heads & use them as platforms.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • W2 The Volcano’s Base
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • E4 The Colossal Hole
  • E6 The East Crater


Japanese Name

No known official name

What It Is

A spark ball with tiny eyes.

What It Does

Lies still in water. If Wario touches it, Wario becomes puffy.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can only avoid them.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N4 Bank of the Wild River

River Reacher

Japanese Name

No known official name

What It Is

An arm made out o' water.

What It Does

Acts just like Sand Hands: reaches out in rhythmic patterns &, if it grabs Wario, pulls him downward off whatever platform he might be on.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can only avoid them.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • S4 The Steep Canyon

Prince Froggy

Japanese Name

つまりカエルTsumari Kaeru Just a Frog

What It Is

A fat frog that's either gray or pink & either stands staring @ the player calmly or is stuck in passageways, desperately trying to squeeze itself out, intermittent with cries o' sorrow.

What It Does

Blocks the way.

What You Can Do To It

Ground-pounding causes it to hop up. If there are platforms 'bove it, it'll land on those platforms.

Otherwise, if there are no platforms, Wario can destroy it as Fire, Vampire, or Zombie Wario.




Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • S4 The Steep Canyon
  • S6 Above the Clouds
  • E6 The East Crater

Bat Bites

Japanese Name

コバットKobatto Li'l Bats

What It Is

4 black bats with lavender outlines arranged in a square.

What It Does

Swoop in li'l circles.

If they touch Wario, they turn him into a vampire.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can only intentionally touch them to become a vampire or avoid them.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • W1 Desert Ruins
  • W2 The Volcano’s Base
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • E6 The East Crater
  • E7 Forest of Fear


Japanese Name

オイカケOikake Chase

What It Is

A red rat with wheels for feet & big, scraggly claws held out. Has beady dark eyes, a blue, hairy nose, a blue shell on its back, & a stiff tail rising straight up like a pole with a glowing lamp diode @ the end.

What It Does

Chases Wario, ripping apart any cracked blocks in its way.

If it hits Wario with its claws, it magically warps Wario outside the room.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can ground pound it to stun it. Otherwise, Wario can only run 'way from it.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • E1 The Stagnant Swamp


Japanese Name

りんごろうRingorō Applerow

What It Is

Some red blobby monster that dwells in dirt holes.

What It Does

Pokes its head out o' its hole & sneaks back in, intermittently.

If it sees Wario, it tosses an apple toward him. If Wario touches an apple, he becomes fat.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can destroy Applebies by charge-attacking them or throwing objects @ them.




Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • N6 Sea Turtle Rock
  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • W6 The West Crater
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S3 Tower of Revival
  • E5 The Warped Void
  • E6 The East Crater

Bark Bug

Japanese Name

くし虫Kushimushi Some pun off “comb” & “insect”

What It Is

A sickly-yellow & pink kraken-shaped insect with a spiky, large, lobe-shaped head.

What It Does

Moves back & forth in consistent patterns.

If it touches Wario with its mouth, it stuns Wario. If it touches Wario with its back, it bumps Wario back a bit.

What You Can Do To It

If Wario touches its back, it's bumped off & destroyed.




Change room.

¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods
  • N4 Bank of the Wild River
  • N5 The Tidal Coast

Sr. Sun

Japanese Name

太陽Taiyō Sun

What It Is

A lemon-yellow sun with flaming-red flames encircling it.

What It Does

Flies round, following Wario. Every so oft it becomes redly enraged & spits a ball o' fire. If this his Wario, it sets him aflame.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can do nothing but avoid it.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • E4 The Colossal Hole

Mr. Moon

Japanese Name

Tsuki Moon

What It Is

A lemon-yellow crescent moon with a blue glow surrounding it & big, blue grinning teeth.

What It Does

Flies round, following Wario. Every so oft, it gets mad & spits an electric ball. If this touches Wario, it stuns him.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can do nothing but avoid it.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N3 The Vast Plain
  • E4 The Colossal Hole


Japanese Name

オクトホーンOctohōn Octohorn

What It Is

A li'l pink octopus.

What It Does

Swims idly through water.

Can't do anything to Wario, or anything else; but when Wario collects the “Sapling o' Growth,” treasure, they all grow into Octopushes.

What You Can Do To It

Swimming into them makes them swim 'way speedily.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • W5 Beneath the Waves


Japanese Name

オクトホーンOctohōn Octohorn

What It Is

A hefty pink octopus with angry eyes & thick eyebrows.

What It Does

Swims round the water slowly in varying patterns.

If it sees Wario, it charges toward him. If it manages to hit Wario with its charge attack, it knocks Wario back till Wario hits a wall.

Also, breaks certain walls permanently.

What You Can Do To It

Like with the baby variety, bumping into them causes them to swim 'way quickly.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N5 The Tidal Coast
  • W5 Beneath the Waves


Japanese Name

アカマジャクシakamajakushi A portmanteau o' aka [red] & otamajakushi [tadpole]

What It Is

A pink tadpole.

What It Does

Hides in the water till Wario comes near, which is when it leaps out o' the water. If Wario is hit by it, then Wario is knocked back & rolls backward till he hits a wall or water.

What You Can Do To It

Jumping on it knocks it out.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N2 The Peaceful Village
  • S2 The Big Bridge

Prickly Platform

Japanese Name

トゲーバーTogēbā Spike Bar

What It Is

A prickly blue platform with eyes.

What It Does

Stuns Wario backward if Wario touches it while its thorns are out. Otherwise, it bumps Wario if it hits him by the side.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can make them leap into the air & lose their prickles with super ground pounds & jump on them & use them as platforms.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • W4 A Town in Chaos
  • S4 The Steep Canyon
  • S5 Cave of Flames
  • S6 Above the Clouds
  • E3 Castle of Illusion


Japanese Name

のびーるNobi ̄ru Extending

What It Is

Smiling beam that turns spiky & red when extended & roundly smooth & pale blue when receding.

What It Does

If it touches Wario, it bumps him off if in cool mode & stuns him if in hot mode.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can only avoid them.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • W2 The Volcano’s Base
  • S1 The Grasslands
  • S2 The Big Bridge
  • E6 The East Crater

Fish & Spitz

Japanese Name

ミズウオMizūo Cannibal Fish/Longnose Lancetfish

What It Is

A puffy-faced cyan fish with goggly-eyes.

What It Does

Alternates 'tween lurking below the surface as a black shadow & popping its head up & spitting water drops.

If Wario hits 1 o' its spitballs, he's stunned.

What You Can Do To It

Wario can only avoid them.





¿Sleeps @ Night?


Levels Found

  • N1 Out of the Woods